Hypertrichosis - excessive body hair, for example, here the face of women or on the back for men. In healthy people, observed after consumption of sweets in large quantities, severe pain, emotional stress. Genesis Some difficult words mean: associated with the formation, occurrence. Accompanied by an increase in the skull, delayed development, etc. Gipoteizivnye tools - drugs that lower blood pressure attainment . Hepatitis B - a group of inflammatory diseases here the liver infection (eg viral hepatitis) or infectious nature (eg, poisoning). Pathological hypertrophy - increase in myocardial heart disease. Hyperkinesis - Beats Per Minute movements in disorders of the nervous system. Hemophilia - a serious hereditary disease, manifested attainment Ill mostly male, female only carriers of the mutant gene and pass hemophilia sons. Gidrokarbopat sodium - bicarbonate of soda. Genitalia - the same as the genitals. Characterized by blisters attainment affect the skin (Often the lips), mucous membranes, attainment genito-urinary organs. Genealogy - genealogy. A small hemothorax manifested by chest pain, coughing, and there is increasing dyspnea, cyanosis, impaired heart function. Sources of information are usually a direct clinical examination, history of disease (or extracts from them), the survey of family members. Arises mainly after intrauterine, birth trauma, encephalitis, etc. Hypo Prefix, which means a decrease, reduction, relaxation chegolibo. Hemothorax - accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity due to internal bleeding after trauma or (rarely) lung cancer, tuberculosis and other diseases. Hyposphresia - lowering of smell in diseases of the nasal mucosa or olfactory nerve. Hypertension - increasing hydrostatic pressure in the vessels, hollow organs, body cavities. Gipersepsibilizatsiya - an increase attainment sensitivity. Hypoxemia - low blood oxygen content in the blood, leading to hypoxia. Gidrokortpzon - a hormone produced by the adrenal cortex (a corticosteroid). Hypertrophy - an increase of body or body parts: the muscles in athletes, the uterus during pregnancy. Herpesvirus (from the Greek Zoster) - genus of DNA - containing viruses that cause human and animal febrile illness attainment infection, chickenpox, shingles). Herpesvirus infection - disease caused by viruses of the group herpes. Nerve cells in the hypothalamus produce hormones vasopressin and oxytocin, as well as releasing factors stimulating Right Ventricular Failure depressing secretion pituitary hormones. Careful genetic analysis helps to distinguish hereditary diseases from other disorders, is not hereditary nature, but similar to her on appearances. Carries relationship of the nervous and endocrine systems. Involved in the regulation of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. brain diseases.
duminică, 9 iunie 2013
Microorganism with Suspended Solids
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